Benefits Of Fruits
Medicineplants. Commonly, all people already know about Banana. The fruit is yellow and taste sweet. and  you might be have been eat it. but, did you know there is a benefit from banana.

Banana Fat, carbohydrate, protein, phosporus and  contain three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose as well as fibers that provide energy to burn for 90 minutes.

And many people use Banana for any purposes such as :

Bananas regulate the bowel system
Bananas reduce the risk of heart diseases and blood pressure
Eat bananas for healthy bones
Bananas reduce depression
Bananas increase brain power
Reduce menstrual pains with bananas
Bananas help ulcer patients
Bananas and anemia
Reduce itching of mosquito bites with bananas
Quit smoking by eating bananas

You can eat the banana directly or you make become a juice first and then you drink it.



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