Turnera Ulmifolia L
Medidineplants. Turnera ulmifolia L. usually found growing wild in wasteland, edge of drains, and generally grow in group. 

Turnera ulmifolia L come from west Hindia, can be found at an altitude of 10-250 m above sea level. and this plant have a flower which is bloom at 8 o'clock in the morning and wilt at about 12 noon, that is why peoples call them  as eight o'clock flowers. 

And Today many peoples use this flowers  as medicine plant because the  Turnera ulmifolia L contain of saponins, polyphenols and   flavonoid.

Turnera ulmifolia L can be used for handling about reumatic, hipertrofi prostat, and Blain. 

Use the Turnera ulmifolia L as herbal tea for blood circulation and rheumatic. For external disease looks like a Blain,  ggrind the Turnera ulmifolia L leaves until smooth and then stick it on top the blain areas.


Flora of Tamilnadu said...

The Specimen show is not Turnera ulmifolia. But it is Turnera subulata. T.ulmifolia will not have darker bases in corolla. The dark patches at the bases are nectar guides.

Unknown said...

S M Kasim is absolutly correct. Both species belong to the same Genus but are diffrent plants.

admin said...

ty sir


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